January 2015

RH: DNS/Bind/Named – Disable IPv6

January 27, 2015 | 0 Comments

Onlangs moest ik in een omgeving waar alleen ipv4 wordt gebruikt DNS inrichten. Na het inrichten bleef ik de volgende melding krijgen in [ /var/log/messages ] krijgen : [...]

RH: Mailserver ports

January 14, 2015 | 0 Comments

  Default Ports: Server: Authentication: Port: SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) Non-Encrypted AUTH 25 (or 587) Secure (TLS) StartTLS 587 Secure (SSL) SSL 465 IMAP Server [...]

OSX: Change Font Smoothing

January 2, 2015 | 0 Comments

  This tweak can be used to change the intensity of the font smoothing (anti-aliasing), either making the font’s smoother or to disable altogether. To implement [...]